SonicSalute is live. Welcome!

So finally I decided to do something about it, and make a site where I could present my recorded  sfx to the world.

Thanks to Casper Birch Burchberg, the webdesigner, I got it all put together very fast. Thanks Casper, I appreciate it!

Casper been putting up with my questions for hours and hours. Face to face, and mail to mail, on regular weekdays, and weekends too.

I suddenly felt very old (Im not am I?), asking how this, how that? Patience is a virtue. Casper has alot of that:)

On the blog, I will try my best to post about, as many as my field recording trips as possible, and what Im up to at the moment in the studio.

The rest of the site is dedicated to bringing affordable sfx libraries to editors and sound designers. Got a few new ones in the editorial process, and a few in the recording process. The last one will take some time to complete, as Im waiting for spring and some big creatures doing a special thing at that particular time.

I hope you will find the post and sounds offered in here to your liking.


Best wishes,






One Reply to “SonicSalute is live. Welcome!”

  1. Kona says:

    I love your blog, you should add an RSS feed feurtae so I can get automatic notifications of new blogs. If you set one up please email me! i will bookmark you for now. Again Excellent Blog!

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