(Trying to) Capture the thunder, Part 2

This summer has been the strangest ever. There hasnt been a regular 2 days straight of sun and temps above 20 degress for the entire month of July. It was supposed to be warm right now. Schools are out, and every child in Denmark has been too since the start of July.
There has however been an unusual alot of thunder around here. On storm has ended and the next one has started a day or few later.
This has been the perfect opportunity, for me, to practice my thunder recording. I still have alot of difficulties harnessing the close cracks, and Im experiencing either birds whistling, cars passing, people whining and talking, or rain. On really rare occasions, I experience them all at once.
I have promised myself, that I will get as far away as possible, from the city next time theres a storm coming.
Here are the cracks I recorded the recent days. Birds included:D
A little note. Listen at 3.33, 4.03, and 4.31. Something really strange is happening. Like a slowdown pitching of the thunder.

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