First thunderstorm, summer 2012

First thunderstorm of the summer season, passed by my area yesterday.

I mean it almost passed. Though I had checked, and rechecked the weather, and followed the thunder moving, 3 hours before it hit, I missed it by a lousy 12 kilometers. The damn thing went just north of me, and left me with very few close cracks, pretty heavy rain, and more distant thunder then I had hoped for. Oh well…..

Thunderstorms around these parts are not nearly as big and threatening as seen elsewhere on our planet. They are not as frequent either. When they are here. I try to record them, which can still be quite tricky.

The recording was a bit of gamble on more then, where the thunder was going to be. I also had to stick my 2 DPA 4061 mics out the window and attach them to the window frame.

Luckily, they made it safely through the rain. The Rycote protection got wet, the mics didnt.

This is the recording of the rain falling on the metal roof, and a few thunder strikes.

This 96Khz 24 bit stereo wav. track, is part of my free samples. License agreement still applies.

You can download your copy right here:


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