Trains Rail Squeals And Passes

$73.75 Incl. VAT

Trains Rail Squeals And Passes

$73.75 Incl. VAT


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                                                  All aboard!

Trains: Rail Squeals And Passes, first recordings were made back in 2012 where sounds of specific screaming metallic train rails were needed for a documentary.

Since then, multiple of the favourite locations for recording the special sounds have been visited, and the sounds have been used in countless features, documentaries and radio dramas. Very different and interesting recordings, some comical and some chaotic and brutal, have made it through to the final commercial set.

When the conditions are right, and trains pass a tight corner at a specific speed, the train wheel cuts into the rails below, making this horrendous sound. This is known as curve screaming, and can produce some really scary metallic squealing.

Besides regular train passes at different speeds, this set has  files covering ear piercing rail squeals, breaking sounds and massive rail clacking sounds both from diesel powered and electrical trains.
Trains Rail Squeal And Passes included 62 tracks and is about 2.2 Gb big when unzipped. All tracks have been carefully mastered and are all UCS compatible!

Tracklist: Trains Rail Squeals And Passes






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