Niger Sahara Desert

$100.00 Incl. VAT

Niger Sahara Desert

$100.00 Incl. VAT


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Niger Sahara Desert, ambiences and sound effects library By Iben Haahr Andersen

Back in 2004 Iben Haahr Andersen travelled to Niger on an amazing journey into the Sahara desert.

Her job was to follow a large group of nomads, travelling on camels back for 10 days to the desert town of Agadez to purchase sweet dates, which they would later sell to make a living.

Through 10 days of extreme heat and hard labour, Iben recorded everything from the most beautiful and quiet starry nights, to daily life and struggle of the nomad people, sandstorms and  desert wind, an interior mountain well, and grunts and cries from nomads precious desert animals, the camels.

Photo Credit Dan Säll



Iben came back to Denmark with a huge amount of DAT tapes, which now have been mastered in Protools, spectral repaired in Izotope RX, and with great help from Tim Nielsen & Michal Fojcik made UCS-Compliant in Soundminer, for a very special set of audio recordings!

117 stereo tracks recorded on to a portable DAT recorder @ 48khz 16 bit. Set is about 4gb big when unzipped.

Mics used, Sennheiser Mkh416 with an ATE 208 Emesser on top.

Sounds included are:

  • Agadez chaotic traffic scenes

  • Rain and distant thunder 

  • Native nomad walla from children and adults

  • Nomads working and socialising

  • Close up and isolated prayers, talks and the cursing of a thief from a local priest

  • Quiet ambiences 

  • Birds and a few bugs

  • Spitting, snorting and bleating goats

  • Donkey brays

  • Camel grunts, gurgles and cries

  • Sandstorms and wind through tent camp

  • Interior mountain well with the most beautiful reverberation 

  • Footsteps of humans and camel caravan passing on sand


Photo Credit Dan Säll


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