01. Giant textile processing unit 1 generator running
02. Giant textile processing unit 1 Latex paint pneumatics
03. Giant textile processing unit 1 pos.1
04. Giant textile processing unit 1 pos. 3
05. Giant textile processing unit 1 Ventilation shaft
06. Giant textile processing unit 2 small rollers 2
07. Giant textile processing unit 2 small rollers 1
08. Giant textile processing unit 2 Textile roller
09. Giant textile processing unit 3 Engine shutdown and rearranging rollers
10. Giant textile processing unit 3 Water running from roller, Engine startup
11. Giant textile processing unit 4 Burning process pos 1
12. Giant textile processing unit 4 Burning process pos 2
13. Giant textile processing unit 4 Burning process pos 3
14. Giant textile processing unit 5 Steaming process pos 1
15. Giant textile processing unit 5 Steaming process pos 2
16. Giant textile processing unit Forklift passing
17. Plastic foundry and casting 1 pos 1
18. Plastic foundry and casting 1 pos 2
19. Plastic foundry and casting 1 pos 4
20. Plastic foundry and casting 2 pos 1
21. Plastic foundry and casting 2 pos 2
22. Plastic foundry and casting 3 pos 1
23. Plastic foundry and casting 4 pos 1
24.Plastic foundry and casting 4 pos 2
25. Plastic foundry and casting 4 pos 3
26. Plastic foundry and casting 5 pos 1
27. Plastic foundry and casting 5 pos 2
28. Plastic foundry and casting 5 pos 3
29. Plastic foundry and casting 6 pos 1
30. Plastic foundry and casting 6 pos 2
31. Plastic foundry and casting 6 pos 3
32. Plastic foundry and casting 6 pos 4
33. Plastic foundry and casting 6 pos 5
34. Plastic foundry and casting 7 pos 1
35. Plastic foundry and casting 8 Pneumatics pos1
36. Plastic foundry and casting 8 Pneumatics pos2
37. Plastic foundry and casting 9 pos1
38. Plastic foundry and casting 10 Pneumatics pos1
39. Plastic foundry and casting 10 pos 2
40. Plastic foundry and casting 11 Pneumatics pos1
41. Plastic foundry and casting 12 pos1
42. Plastic foundry and casting 13 pos1
43. Plastic foundry and casting 14 Alarm starting
44. Plastic foundry and casting 14 No alarm
45. Plastic foundry and casting 15 pos1
46. Plastic foundry and casting 16 piston going steady closeup
47. Plastic foundry and casting 17 Robotic arms packing
48. Plastic foundry and casting 17
49. Plastic foundry and casting 18 pos2
50. Plastic foundry and casting Alarm on 6 pos3
51. General ambience big hanger
52. Medical equipment manufacturing cleanroom 2 pos2
53. Medical equipment manufacturing cleanroom 3 pos1
54. Medical equipment manufacturing cleanroom pos2
55. Medical equipment manufacturing defective robotic arm pos1
56. Medical equipment manufacturing labeling machine pos1
57. Medical equipment manufacturing packing robot 1 pos 1
58. Medical equipment manufacturing packing robot 2 pos 1
59. Medical equipment manufacturing tubes pos1
60. Medical equipment manufacturing tubes pos2
61. Medical equipment manufacturing valve pos1
62. Medical equipment manufacturing valve pos2
63. Medical equipment manufacturing valve pos3
64. Medical equipment manufacturing valve pos4
65. Medical equipment manufacturing valve pos5